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日期:2019年10月11日 分类:优美句子

1、 We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.


2、All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother.


3、Parents of the grace, water will not drown, fire can not destroy。


4、Virtue is a great wealth of parents。


5、Mother's heart is a paradise for children。




what good parents for me !I love them very much , do you konw what the main reason is?on the one hand,they are very nice to me. For example, they don't look like other people's parents, no matter good or bad of achivement,they won't fight with me .on the other hand , my mom and dad take care of me very well ,but they still let me do housework ,Because it is good for my development and independence .As a word ,i have a happy family. 对于我来说,多么好的父母呀。

我非常爱他们,你知道最主要的原因吗? 一方面,他们对我很好。






1、 It doesn't matter who my father was, it matters who I remember he was。

—— Anne Sexton 爸爸是什么样的人并不重要,重要的是在我心目中爸爸是什么样的人。

2、 A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary.——D.C, Fisher 母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。

3、 All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother. ——Abraham Lincoln 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。

4、 We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. ——Henry Ward Beecher 不养儿不知父母恩 5、The family you came from isn't as important as the family you are going to have. ——D.Herbert Lawrence 你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。

6、 A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. ——George Herbert 一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。

7、 The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. —— English Proverb 一个父亲可以对孩子们所做的最重要的事情就是去爱孩子们的母亲。

8、 A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son mother to shame. —— English Proverb 智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞. 9、 Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall. A mother's secret hope outlives them all.——Oliver Wendell Holmes青春会逝去;爱情会枯萎;友谊的绿叶也会凋零。

而一个母亲内心的希望比它们都要长久 10、 God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. ——Jewish proverb 上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。


1. 我的父亲和母亲是我的双亲。

My father and mother are my parents.2. 母亲的原型是一个特别好的例子。

The mother archetype is a particularly good example.3. 我父亲喜欢运动而我母亲喜欢音乐。

My father likes sports while my mother likes music.4. 这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。

” This saying underlines the importance of mothers.5. 母亲打电报要儿子立刻回来。

Mother cabled her son to come immediately.6. 她的母亲安排她周末去相亲。

Her mother arranged her to this weekend.7. 我经常从我母亲那儿得到钱。

I often get money from my mother.

求一首 歌颂父母之爱的英文诗歌 要有中文翻译

‍It Takes More Than Blood It takes more than blood to be a dad. Oh this is surely a proven fact. I've seen men give his heart to a child ... Never once think of taking it back. 成为一位父亲不仅仅是血源关系, 哦,这是一个不争的事实。

我见识过他们把自己的心给了孩子, 却从没想过要回。

A Dad is the one who is always there; He protects a child from all harm. He gives a child the assurance that he will be their anchor in any storm. 爸爸是永远陪伴你的人。

他保护自己的孩子不受到任何伤害 他给孩子以保证, 不管遇到任何暴风雨, 他都会是他的锚。

A real Dad is a man that teaches his child all the things in life he needs to know. He's the tower of strength a child leans on. The source of love that helps them grow. 真正的父亲是孩子的老师, 他教给孩子生活中所有他需要知道的事情。

他是孩子依靠的力量宝塔, 爱的力量帮助他们成长。

There are men that children call Daddy. Oh, he is their shelter when it rains. He showers them with unconditional love. As if it were his blood in their veins. 这有些被孩子成为父亲的男人, 哦,他是孩子们下雨时的避风港。

让他们沐浴在毫无条件的爱之中, 如同他们血管里的血液。

Whenever you meet a Dad that redefines the word, honor him with all the respect that is due. Understand that he proudly wears this banner ... Because his heart is big enough for you. 无论何时你见到一个父亲,你都会重新定义这个称谓, 给他以应得的尊敬来对他们表示敬意 理解他们骄傲地扮演着这一角色, 因为他的心对你来说足够大。

It's sad but true that not all men understand it takes more than blood to be a dad. Someday if they wake up to their empty life ... They shall miss what they could have had. 令人悲伤但却是事实,并不是所有的男人都理解 成为一个父亲并不是仅仅因为血缘, 如果有一天,他们唤醒自己空虚的心, 他们就会怀念自己本应得到的东西。

To those men who will never be a dad ... No matter what they say or do. It takes more than blood to possess that title ... And it's only found in a man like you. 对于这些永远不会成为爸爸的人 不论他们说什么做什么 拥有这个称谓不仅仅是血缘的关系 而这也只能存在于像你这样的人中。
















父亲的爱,无处不在 12、父爱同母爱一样的无私,他不求回报;父爱是一种默默无闻,寓于无形之中的一种感情,只有用心的人才能体会。













For all the great things you say and do…The best teacher's award goes to you.因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖As another school term approaches…wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.新的学期又开始了,希望您过得愉快,就像您带给我们的欢乐一样You are the best. 您是最棒的老师Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.您的引导使我向前,并且有不同的作为Sending flowers to my teacher. 送一束花给我的老师Your lessons are still the one that helps me.Your words are still fresh and warm.You've swayed my life so deeply.You're still my best teacher.Far across the miles, sending you wishes of loveand peace on Teacher's Day.您的教诲我至今仍受益良多,言犹在耳,深深影响了我,您是我最敬爱的老师,在教师节的今天遥寄我的祝福,祝您平安快乐A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.献上一份甜蜜又可爱的礼物给我最敬爱的老师You are a special person in our life.We all love you, Sir!你是我们生命中很特别的一个人,老师,我们都敬爱您


1、Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。

2、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。

3、That money doesn't buy class.金钱并不能买到社会地位。

4、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。


我选了一些我喜欢的:)亲情篇:A placid parent makes a placid home.平和的父母组建出和平的家。

The family is one of nature's masterpieces.家庭是大自然的杰作。

It is wise father that knows his own child.了解自己孩子的父亲是聪明的。

It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother.一切高尚的人是从自己母亲那里继承来高尚之处。

The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended.家庭生活中最妙之处在于点破愿被点破之处,忽视愿被隐瞒之处。


http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1591169.html到这里看吧~很全了…… 舒适,是一个家庭的自我标榜. ——英语 智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞. ——所罗门 父子不信,则家道不睦. ——武则天 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖. ——孟郊 母爱篇: 世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲.(高尔基) 母爱是一种巨大的火焰.(罗曼罗兰) 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤(但丁) 妈妈你在哪儿,哪儿就是最快乐的地方(英国) 慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜 (雨果) 人的嘴唇所能发出的最甜美的字眼,就是母亲,最美好的呼唤,就是"妈妈"(纪伯伦) 母爱是世间最伟大的力量 (米尔) 世界上一切其他都是假的,空的,唯有母亲才是真的,永恒的,不灭的.(印度) 母爱是多么强烈,自私,狂热地占据我们整个心灵的感情.(邓肯) 在孩子的嘴上和心中,母亲就是上帝.(英国) 全世界的母亲多么的相象!他们的心始终一样. 每一个母亲都有一颗极为纯真的赤子之心.(惠特曼) 女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的(法国) 没有无私的,自我牺牲的母爱的帮助,孩拥男牧榻?且黄?哪?(英国) 哀哀父母,生我劬劳。

——《诗经·小雅·蓼莪》 事父母,能竭其力。

——《论语·学而》 父慈而教。

——《左传·昭公二十六年》 爱亲者,不敢恶于人;敬亲者,不敢慢于人。

——《孝经·天子》 孝在于质实,不在于饰貌。

——桓宽《盐铁论·孝养》 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

——孟郊《游子吟》 夫妇和而后家道成。

——《幼学琼林·夫妇》 兄弟敦和睦,朋友笃诚信。

——陈子昂《座右铭》 父不慈则子不孝。

——颜之推《颜氏家训·治家》 家必自毁,而后人毁之。

——《孟子·离娄上》 贫贱之交不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。

——《后汉书·宋弘列传》 时间的流逝,许多往事已经淡化了。



即使有一天,亲人离去,但他们的爱却永远留在子女灵魂的最深处. ---高尔基 不要让亲情在熙熙攘攘的现代社会变革中越来越脆弱地面对冲击,至少我们可以从自我做起,不要给自己留下遗憾,俗话说“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。

”趁现在为自己的双亲送上一份不算奢侈的温馨问候! 父慈而教。

——《左传·昭公二十六年》 智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞. ——所罗门 孝在于质实,不在于饰貌。

——桓宽《盐铁论·孝养》 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

——孟郊《游子吟》 夫妇和而后家道成。

——《幼学琼林·夫妇》 兄弟敦和睦,朋友笃诚信。

——陈子昂《座右铭》 父不慈则子不孝。

——颜之推《颜氏家训·治家》 家必自毁,而后人毁之。

——《孟子·离娄上》 贫贱之交不可忘,糟糠之妻不下堂。

——《后汉书·宋弘列传》 参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1591169.html


1、 It doesn't matter who my father was, it matters who I remember he was。

—— Anne Sexton 爸爸是什么样的人并不重要,重要的是在我心目中爸爸是什么样的人。

2、 A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary.——D.C, Fisher 母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。

3、 All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother. ——Abraham Lincoln 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。

4、 We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. ——Henry Ward Beecher 不养儿不知父母恩 5、The family you came from isn't as important as the family you are going to have. ——D.Herbert Lawrence 你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。

6、 A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. ——George Herbert 一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。

7、 The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. —— English Proverb 一个父亲可以对孩子们所做的最重要的事情就是去爱孩子们的母亲。

8、 A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son mother to shame. —— English Proverb 智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞. 9、 Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall. A mother's secret hope outlives them all.——Oliver Wendell Holmes青春会逝去;爱情会枯萎;友谊的绿叶也会凋零。

而一个母亲内心的希望比它们都要长久 10、 God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. ——Jewish proverb 上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。
