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日期:2020年01月14日 分类:优美句子












画画用英语说,就是draw a picture;或者draw pitures;也可以picture drawing。

例如句子:The boy is drawing a picture.那个男孩(女孩)正在画画(指正在画一幅画)。

He likes to draw pictures.他喜欢画画。

She enjoys drawing pictures.她喜欢画画。

I will attend a picture drawing class.我去上画画的课。




He sings better than you do./ He sings worse that you do.He drives better than you do./ He draws better than you do.He draws very well./He draws fairly./He draws poorly.Please color this painting./ Please color this painting in black.Our company will have 5 holidays during Spring Festival.

英语句子 我的妈妈鼓励我好好画画

Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together. The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around. How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes or stories. Two of us even played a game of chess. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.

画画英语怎么写 ,

1.---What grade are you in ? ---I'm in the sixth / first / second grade. 2.---Why were you late yesterday?---Because my watch stopped. 3.We're in the same grade. 4.Here comes the bus. 5.Let's get on the bus. 6.I'm not late today. 7.---Where did you live in Canada? 8.I lived in Ottawa. 9.Isn't Ottawa in the west / east?------No,it's in the east. 10. ---What's your favorite subject?---My favorite subject is P.E. 11.I'm not good at calculating. 12.Which do you like better, the purple one or the gray one? 13.I like the gray one better.7.This shirt is too small for me. 14.---Do you have a bigger one?---Sure! This is the biggest one. 15.That shirt looks good on you.16.Let's go into the shop. 16. Can I try this shirt on ? -----Of course. 17. ---How can I get to the amusement park? ---Go down this street and turn right / left. It'll be on your left / right. 18.You should be more careful.19.We can cross the street. 19.---What should we do now?---We should park our bikes. 10.---How tall are you?---I'm 150cm tall. 11.I'm taller than you are. 12.I'm the tallest. 11.I want to ride the roller coaster.---I'm tall enough. 12. ---Shall we go to the safari park? ---Yes, I'm interested in jungle life 13.I want to take pictures of them. 14.Can I borrow your camera? 15.---I can't find my brother.---We've got to call the police. 16.Please take all your coins out. 17.I'm afraid of tigers. 18.Qiaoqiao is missing. 19.Let's ask her for help. 19.---What does he / your son look like? --- He has small brown eyes. 20.What's he wearing? -----He's wearing a green shirt and glasses. 22.---Is he / Qiaoqiao as tall as you?---No, he's shorter than I am. 23.A boy is coming out of the restroom. 24.Oh,that's my son! 25.When did you lose your son? 26.About half an hour ago.


画画英语是drawing,读['drɔː(r)ɪŋ]drawing读音英 ['drɔː(r)ɪŋ] 美 ['drɔɪŋ] 释义n. 图画;牵引;素描术v. 绘画;吸引(draw的ing形式);拖曳短语Drawing Paper [测] 绘图纸 ; 画纸 ; 图画纸 ; 制图纸Detail drawing 祥图 ; 零件图 ; [建] 细部图 ; 轴测图exploded drawing 爆炸图 ; 零件分散图 ; 零件分离图 ; 唱片名句子1、The game is drawing big crowds. 这场比赛吸引着大批观众。

2、Hours passed and the evening is drawing in. 好几个小时过去了,快接近黄昏了。

3、The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten. 孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。
