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有关生活家庭的谚语 中英文对照

日期:2015年03月10日 分类:英语警句

1、A cat may look at a king 冒也有权看国王

2、A lion may come to be holden to a mouse 狮子可能也要老鼠帮

3、Accidengts will happen in the best-regulated families 家规再严也难免意外事

4、An emptu sack cannot stand upright 空袋子站不直

5、Art is long,life is short 人生有限,学海无涯

6、A prophet is not withput honor,save in his own country and in his own house 先知不无荣光,只要不在故乡

7、Dead men tell no tales 死人不会泄密

8、Death is the great eveler 死亡使众生平等

9、Don't quarrel with your bread and butter 不要自砸饭碗

10、Don't put your finger in the pie 不要多管闲事

11、If each would sweep before his own door,we should have a clean street 家家各把门前扫,整条街道都会井井有条

12、It takes all sorts to make a world 大千世界,无奇不有

13、It needs more skill than I can tell to play the second fiddle well 首席琴手好做,次席琴手难当

14、Let the world wag 任凭世事变迁

15、Live and let live 自己活,也要让别人活

16、That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remenber 艰难的经历,甜美的回忆。

17、The absent are always in the wrong 理亏一方总是缺席者

18、The bread never falls but on its buttered side 面包落地,奶油朝下

19、The golden age was never the present age 黄金时代绝不在当今

20、There is honor among thieves 贼亦有道

21、There is a tide in the affairs of men 人生总有涨潮时

22、There is one born every minute 随时都有人上当

23、There is no peace for the wicked 恶人没有安宁

24、You cannot teach an old dog new tricks 老狗学不会新把戏

25、You cannot take it with you 生不带来死不带去

26、Variety is the spice of life 多样化是生活的调味品

27、We are all slaves of opinion 我们都是舆论之奴

28、What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh 骨子里唱出来的永远离不开肉

29、Absence makes the heart grow fonder 离别增情意

30、Affection blinds reason 感情在,理智瞎

31、Choose neither a woman nor linen by candle-light 别在烛光下选布,也不要在烛光下选女人
